Jun 17, 2009

The Idiots: In Five Easy Steps

Folks, here it is. We are not only handing over the keys, but we are officially handing them over to lawyers and bankers. Yeah, that'sa recipe for good times.
"The Federal Reserve, already arguably the most powerful agency in the U.S. government, will get sweeping new authority to regulate any company whose failure could endanger the U.S. economy and markets under the Obama administration's regulatory overhaul plan."
And yes, we have found that everything Obama touches turns to gold, the fish are singing and the polar bears are cheering. People, COME ON! The gold is spray-painted manure, the fish are screaming in terror, and the polar bears don't give a crap, because they're polar bears. Do you really think they need more power? Do you want them showing up on the front step of your business the first month your sales don't meet their expectations? I am a business owner, and I can tell you quite honestly that if they show up on my doorstep they will have a traditional Southern greeting (note I didn't say which traditional greeting).
This is just another example of the Obama administration's love of Chicago mob tactics. If you aren't meeting the expectation (that they set) your business will no longer be yours. Your reputation will be ruined, you will have no business, and absolutely no recourse, all because you were deemed a "threat" to the US economy. Since when? Business is the backbone of this country, especially the small kind. As a woman who's Southern by the grace of God, I can happily say that unlike the rest of the evidently mentally challenged sheeple, I don't have to step in shit to know I'm on a horse path. And I assure you, this is one heaping pile.

Second: Finances are keeping him awake!
"President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that worrying about the U.S. government's finances "keeps me awake at night" and the country needed to start planning now to tackle soaring deficits."
Well you know what would have tackled the soaring deficit? NOT CREATING IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU INCOMPETENT MORON! Let's see... We could not have spent that first 800 Billion that the other incompetent moron spent before you, but you had to act like a kid at a carnival and top it. So not only did you do another heaping round of bailouts, you also bought GM (and gave part of it to the UAW-great idea), put money away for socialized-universal-government healthcare that if it doesn't make us go bankrupt will kill all the sick, elderly and non-productive. Let us take a moment now and clap for the brilliance of the anointed one!
So let's examine the situation. You (and your predecessor) spent money that we don't have. You know we are completely out of money and operating in the red, but that's ok because it "keeps you awake at night." Meanwhile, you are gradually selling us to China. What happens when everyone finds out that we are not good for that debt? Yeah, that won't just keep you up, it will give you a migraine the size of Texas. I know of only one thing that might really save us. We need to get rid of you as soon as possible. Look forward to that crushing defeat in 2012, will ya? But before that, just next year, watch and look on in amazement of how many Senate and House Democrat seats vanish in front of your miserable face.

Third: You might want to duck the missiles!
"The Pentagon's second-in-command says North Korea's missiles could threaten the continental United States if the reclusive rogue nation continues to develop its weapons."
Well, we shouldn't worry too much. We do have the most sophisticated missile defense in the world. Oh wait...The Anointed One cut the missile defense budget didn't he? Damn, there he goes again, cutting us off at the knees. This is what happens in a lawyer's brain: they think they can argue their way out of anything and come out spotless. NO! Any good military person worth half a star will tell you that the best national offense is a spectacular defense.
Oh wait! What am I talking about, surely Mr. Obama has had military strategic training! I mean he did go to Columbia and Harvard. Well, his Columbia time taught him a lot about getting ready for Law School (they just completely skipped history). Lord knows that Harvard is one of the top Law Schools in the country, and they did teach him spectacularly well, because no one knows how to shred and manipulate the Constitution like Barack Obama.

Fourth: Look Out! California Crash Ahead!
"Speaker of the Assembly Karen Bass, a Los Angeles Democrat, said higher taxes and fees are needed instead of all $16 billion in cuts proposed by Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. His reductions would eliminate entire welfare programs and leave 1 million children without health insurance. Democrats yesterday suggested a $15 automobile license fee and said they may consider a 9.9 percent per-barrel charge on oil produced in the state."
This is how a Democrat brain works. They have spent, spent, SPENT for years upon years and never worried about balancing a budget. Now when the fruits of their labors are upon them they decide to punish everyone else for their own idiocy. This is similar to their argument that we must push global warming legislation because the polar bear babies are gonna starve. This woman wants you to focus on those 1million crying babies instead of the responsible citizens of CA that are getting kicked in the nuts (repeatedly). Why weren't they working to get people OFF welfare? Oh yeah, I know why: because if they did that, then there would be that many more votes to buy some other way. Sounds horrible doesn't it? It is! Welfare doesn't help, it enslaves people to the government. Welfare assumes that you are too stupid to provide for yourself or your family, so they do it for you. Republicans get called evil 'cause they want to cut welfare. Well, I want to cut welfare too! If you cut welfare, then taxes wouldn't be so high because I wouldn't have to support these people who believe that they are entitled to everything, unlike the rest of us. I am fine with the people who genuinely cannot work for one reason or another, but I am not fine with these people who pop out kids just so their check gets bigger. I am not fine with these people who get psych evaluations and pretend they are crazy so they can go on disability (and yet go to college-on the taxpayer dime). I am gonna say this once to those people: GET A DAMN JOB!
Instead of crying about the babies on welfare that won't have insurance. how about you stop rewarding people on welfare for having more kids than they would normally be able to afford. And please, Ms. Bass, don't insult our intelligence. We know you don't give a damn about those kids, because if you did, you would be trying to better their lives; not just funding their existence.

Five: Forget TV, Get Obama-vision.
"On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care -- a move that has ignited an ethical firestorm! "
Yes! At least now things will be simpler. ABC won't have to wait the whole 5 minutes (maybe) it would take to get the reports from the White House to parrot the President, they can just telecast from inside his house. Hell, why not call a spade a spade. This is a private news organization campaigning for the President. They don't want to televise any alternate views, so much for journalism, ethics, being an objective observer or reporting facts. People in journalism classes should be ashamed. They should be looking at this outraged, how one man can hijack an entire nations media and is using them for his own warped message (there was a historical figure that desired this above all else: Hitler). They don't report on the broken promises, they don't even mention the perils of this kind of massive spending, and they don't mention the fine print in these twisted programs that he is dreaming up. If this kind of thing were happening in Nixon's day Watergate would never even have made the news, much less caused him to step down. Imagine if the national media had just shrugged off the Monica days. There are scandals coming out of this administration everyday. Not only do we not hear about them from the mainstream media, but we hear them with the official White House spin on the story prepackaged and tied with a pretty bow. So not only is the mainstream media making sure Obama comes home everyday spotless, they make sure he smells like a rose.
And they say there's a "vast Right-Wing conspiracy." Riiiiight. "Vast Left-Wing thugocracy" is more like it.

Jun 13, 2009

My Big Fat Union Rant of Awesomeness

Ok, I know everyone has been waiting with baited breath for another blog. Rest assured: it is true, I have gotten pissed off again. I was/am pissed off enough that I had to ignore my ADD/OCD long enough to blog. Yeah. It is that serious. So now that I have your attention, let me call to your attention the subject of my pissed-offness: Unions.

This isn't some vague tale where I read articles on some CNN website, or saw a few random clips on FOX and was just SHOCKED how these cancerous little lumps could still exist. This is the tale of my father's union, and the stupidity that they have been and probably will continue to shout from the rooftops like some demented Juliet looking for her Romeo. I have interspersed that with some history and some common themes that are now occurring in the broad scope of unions.

Unions are a massive poison--a sort of toxin that infects everything they touch. Think of them like heroin. They eliminate all of the autonomy from the workers they "represent" in order to make sure that they are dependent (addicted), then they drain all of the money from the workers (junkies), and shift it to their own committees (the drug dealers). Sounds real familiar, now doesn't it? Meanwhile, the poor junkies down there on the lowest rung of the totem pole are simply perplexed. They rack their brains and still can't figure out why their health insurance is continuing to refuse covering their family, why their once envied pension plan is shrinking worse than the, uh, "package" of someone on 12 different kinds of steroids, and all the while they still pay their dues like a good little sheep because (as they were told by the union president) if it is this bad WITH the union working so hard for them, just imagine what it would be like without the union.

Recently my fathers union (the Boilermakers) enacted a policy that they resurrected from the 1970's. Basically, the policy says that if you fail to pay your dues for three months straight (even if you are out of work), you will be required to pay an extravagant reinstatement fee. They have already gotten rid of their "out of work" dues so that everyone pays the same, and even those have gone up the last 5 times they voted on it. Now, if the member can't afford the dues for three months straight, what in the name of hell makes these idiots think that the reinstatement fee is even going to be an option? Yeah, I couldn't think of an answer either. Wanna know why? Because there is no answer. They know this. Everyone knows exactly what this is.

I mean call me crazy (and I assure you I am everyday), but I take that as a direct threat. Not only is the union not representing it's members, it's threatening them (at best) and extorting them (at worst). I am going to take the 'at worst' version, because that is the one that I truly believe is going on.

This, my friends, is extortion, pure and simple. You may be familiar with this concept from TV shows like Law and Order, or maybe The Sopranos. Other people may remember a little movie called The Godfather (including any of the sequels). Just for the people who live under gigantic rocks or in caves that have limited American influence, I will get you some references real quick.

"1: The act or practice of extorting especially money or other property ; especially : the offense committed by an official engaging in such practice."

" 'Extortion', outwresting, or exaction is a criminal offense which occurs when a person unlawfully obtains either money, property or services from a person, entity, or institution, through coercion. Refraining from doing harm is sometimes euphemistically called protection. Extortion is commonly practiced by organized crime groups. The actual obtainment of money or property is not required to commit the offense. Making a threat of violence or a lawsuit[citation needed] which refers to a requirement of a payment of money or property to halt future violence or lawsuit[citation needed] is sufficient to commit the offense."

"Most states define extortion as the gaining of property or money by almost any kind of force, or threat of 1) violence, 2) property damage, 3) harm to reputation, or 4) unfavorable government action. While usually viewed as a form of theft/larceny, extortion differs from robbery in that the threat in question does not pose an imminent physical danger to the victim.

For example, Dan goes to Victor's place of business and demands monthly payment from Victor for the business's "protection" from vandalism and after-hours theft. Fearing that he or his business will suffer harm otherwise, Victor agrees to pay Dan."

Now take this last entry especially. Change it to Dan is guaranteeing Victor's job, insurance and even pension in exchange for payment, then all of a sudden Dan makes it nearly impossible for Victor to pay this amount. MMHMM! I had the same reaction.

And now we come to the history portion of our proceedings. Does anyone know why unions were created? Everyone remembers from history class when they were talking about how the big evil factories were using child labor in extremely dangerous working conditions all day long and paying about a quarter (yes, 25 cents) a day. That is the type of thing that lead to the formation of unions. They were dedicated to making sure that children were not abused, that people had reasonable work hours, that they had working conditions that were not almost always fatal, and actually got paid enough to survive. Here is a wikipedia article if you don't believe me. Wikipedia on Unions

Personally, I love the purpose behind the original unions, they had a noble cause. What they have morphed into, however, is an unholy abomination of the original intention. You know how in the movie "The Matrix" how Neo has to pick either the red or blue pill? Well apparently the union is now the guy behind all those television screens that are pushing around all the irrelevant players (the workers) and he is doing so on their dime--and a lot of the workers refuse to take the red pill, instead opting to remain as the "batteries" for the unions. That movie is a good metaphor for unions, because eventually the workers in the union do catch on, show up and break all the televisions. Nothing good comes for the guy sitting in the chair after that, so it is in their best interest to keep that seat of power for as long as possible.

Unions now do absolutely nothing. The purposes for which they were created are null and void, because everything they were organized to address is now regulated by the government and mandated by law (such as workplace safety, work hours, adequate compensation and representation). You have things like OSHA now. Wikipedia on OSHA
We even have the government to thank for pay regulation, that's what that pesky minimum wage thing is. Even healthcare and pensions can be organized directly through the company they work for (and if you wait much longer, directly through the government itself). And all of this regulation and oversight is taken care of in the taxes that these workers pay already such as income tax, property tax, sales tax, etc. So why must we still go on with this ridiculous charade of charging outlandish dues for absolutely no service?

I don't know either.

We are allowing these people an interest in our lives that they do not deserve. They are sneaky and underhanded in the dealings that they do. They contribute millions to political campaigns (WTF!?!). What purpose could that possibly serve? Are they trying to expedite the process of donations to those politicians? No. They are serving their own interests. They hand pick the politicians that they know will not limit them (and will in fact extend their power). They have no motivation to be fair.
If you notice, every candidate they drooled over is a democrat. There is a reason. The democrat does NOT represent or defend average workers. It is their job to represent the union. Sure that sounds nice, but given everything we have gone through already I am sure you know exactly how traitorous this is.

I thought they were supposed to represent the workers. They don't people, they haven't for a very long time. The only thing they represent now is their own interest in keeping their cushy jobs, inflated pay, and completely ridiculous vacations all on the dime of the worker. So next time your back aches from all those union bills and you reach for the Tylenol, how 'bout instead getting the gorilla (aka Union) off of you and away from your pocket.